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Phone:   (204) 256-2273




Address:    414 Westmount Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 1P2, Canada

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RAPID Neurofascial Reset

Experience pain relief and enhanced mobility with RAPID NeuroFascial Reset. This evidence based, manual therapy technique addresses the central nervous system’s role in alleviating tension and restrictions within the body. Book an appointment today to regain comfort and function.

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset for Effective Pain Relief

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset is a neurologically based, active, therapeutic technique that addresses the central nervous system’s role in alleviating pain, tension, and restrictions within muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.

RAPID therapists use a combination of hands-on palpation, examination, and treatment. The RAPID provider palpates the tissues with their hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Hypersensitive areas are treated by combining precisely directed depth and tension with very specific patient movements.

While working within the patient’s pain tolerance, but typically challenging the upper level of this tolerance, RAPID sessions may be uncomfortable, more so during the movement phase of the treatment. RAPID results in stimulation of the neurological system to restore normal function, which allows for a reprogramming of the tissue, releasing tension, improving mobility, and providing effective solutions for both acute and chronic pain. RAPID NeuroFascial Reset supports faster recovery from a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. Book an appointment with one of our RAPID practitioners to see what this soft tissue, movement-based technique is all about!

A woman is getting a massage from a doctor.

Benefits of RAPID NeuroFascial Reset

Enhanced Mobility and Pain Relief

RAPID targets hypersensitive areas by combining precisely directed depth and tension with very specific patient movements. This technique both down-regulates an overstimulated nervous system, which reduces tissue tension, and increases blood flow to flush out the artifacts of inflammation, which reduces nervous system sensitivity and therefore reduces pain. Simply put, RAPID affects the central nervous system through highly sensitive nerve fibres to “reset” muscle tone, tension and pain, and restore quality of life through pain management and improved movement.

A woman is laying on the floor getting her leg examined by a doctor.
A woman is laying on a bed getting a massage from a doctor.

Promotes Relaxation


By stimulating the deepest fascia within the body, RAPID accesses the neurobiological system, affecting both the central and autonomic nervous systems. RAPID can have a global affect on the body by down-regulating the sympathetic nervous system, shifting the body from a “fight or flight” state, to the parasympathetic “rest and digest” state. Toning down a hypersensitive sympathetic nervous system promotes relaxation, and fosters recovery from everyday stressors.

Effectively addressing a patient’s painful area triggers the emotional centre in the brain to re-write the negative emotion (often anger or fear) attached to the pain, and starts to re-frame it with hope, promise, and trust. Adding movement accesses more of the nervous system than touch alone. In combination, performing movement through the discomfort provoked with RAPID allows the patient to realize there is safety in movement, despite the presence of pain. By bringing the brain to safety, a variety of painful conditions and range of motion restrictions can begin to dissipate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choose Us for Effective Pain Relief

RAPID NFR is an evidence based, manual therapy technique for the treatment of acute and chronic pain, as well as limited mobility. RAPID therapists provide sensory input to connective tissues with manual therapy techniques and guided movement patterns, with the treatment goals of resolving pain, improving range of motion, reducing inflammation and increasing proprioception.

Don't let pain limit your life any longer. Schedule your session today and experience the benefits firsthand.

A man is getting his shoulder examined by a doctor.

Hear What Our Clients Say

Manage Your Pain Effectively With Us

Experience RAPID NeuroFascial Reset’s unique approach to pain management. Schedule an appointment today and experience the power of RAPID to alleviate chronic pain and improve mobility, enhancing your overall well-being.

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